Disco Shower

Disco Shower

I miss going out. I miss dancing to loud music and not caring, and I've taken to dancing in the shower for a quick and easy dopamine boost.

Disco Shower is inspired in no small part by Jean-Ralphio and Tom Haverford's party button, and allows you to quickly and easily trigger a mini-disco in a room, which will make the Hue bulbs in that room flash various colours and play a specified Spotify playlist on a specified device.

I have Disco Shower running on a Pi Zero, which is also running an instance of spotifyd, and connected to a Bluetooth shower speaker, as I don't have a Spotify Connect device in my bathroom, but if you do you can do away with this.

The Tech

  • Python app
  • Running on Raspberry Pi
  • Connected to a Bluetooth speaker and enormous red button